Vintage Wallpaper and Black Mold


This set is another house. Kind of a cool place, with lots of interesting colors and accents. A lot of water damage in here had left the floors a bit mushy and the ceiling and walls covered in black mold.

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I didn’t know the front door was open until I walked into the living room. Let’s just say I climbed a really sketchy half-collapsed back porch for nothing.


I thought the mold on the wall was beautiful!


Those floor tiles…


…And that wallpaper! Sadly though, this paper has been heavily tagged. I removed it in Photoshop. It really upsets me when these obnoxious kids can’t appreciate something beautiful as is and just let it be. Killing these places at an astounding rate.

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I really loved the atmospheric light in this green bedroom.


That’s it for this one, short and sweet. My next set is a rather large one, so I may be splitting it up. ‘Til then!


  1. Really like the TV & Chair shot.

  2. Happens too often, you wriggle through a tiny opening only to discover the front door is wide open…Nice set of images for this location. What State are we in here?

    • Amanda

      I do that so often, the front door should always be my first stop. Still in New York for these. Way up north in mountain country.

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