Posts Tagged: upstate new york

The Zoo, The FLX, and a Super Tele

More Island of Misfit Photographs! I meant to post this yesterday, but I was A.) busy and B.) my computer died. Fun times. ANYWAYS, I spent a large portion of my early winter working on some lens reviews. One of these

The Zoo, The FLX, and a Super Tele

More Island of Misfit Photographs! I meant to post this yesterday, but I was A.) busy and B.) my computer died. Fun times. ANYWAYS, I spent a large portion of my early winter working on some lens reviews. One of these

The Mills in the Middle of Nowhere

I love any abandoned building, anywhere. But there’s something eternally magical and intimate to me about abandoned buildings in the middle of nowhere. Just you, nature, and decay. It hits me like a shot of adrenaline. It’s so beautiful. Overgrowth

The Mills in the Middle of Nowhere

I love any abandoned building, anywhere. But there’s something eternally magical and intimate to me about abandoned buildings in the middle of nowhere. Just you, nature, and decay. It hits me like a shot of adrenaline. It’s so beautiful. Overgrowth