The Mills in the Middle of Nowhere

Cascade Mills, Penn YanCascade Mills, Penn YanCascade Mills, Penn Yan

I love any abandoned building, anywhere. But there’s something eternally magical and intimate to me about abandoned buildings in the middle of nowhere. Just you, nature, and decay. It hits me like a shot of adrenaline. It’s so beautiful.

Cascade Mills, Penn Yancascade_mills_10 cascade_mills_11 cascade_mills_12 cascade_mills_13 cascade_mills_14cascade_mills_16 cascade_mills_17 cascade_mills_18 cascade_mills_19 cascade_mills_20 cascade_mills_21 cascade_mills_22 cascade_mills_23cascade_mills_24cascade_mills_15cascade_mills_35cascade_mills_33cascade_mills_31cascade_mills_32cascade_mills_34cascade_mills_39cascade_mills_30cascade_mills_29cascade_mills_28cascade_mills_27cascade_mills_26cascade_mills_25

Overgrowth made these buildings look much smaller on the outside than they actually were. Once I stepped inside, they opened up into multiple rooms, daylight falling only in sections where the ceiling had collapsed. Other areas were so dark, I could barely see.

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One side of the upper section was partially collapsed and open, and the second story floor was level with my eyeballs. I could hold up my camera to grab a shot.

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  1. I’ve always wanted to go traipsing through an abandoned building. Just never had the guts lol. Thanks for taking us on this trip with you.

    • It requires some research and caution for sure! I don’t really go anywhere too crazy. 😉

      • Lol. Every place that I have wanted to venture to here in Maryland or PA have no trespassing signs all around them. I just need to find a route in that has no signs posted and so that I can feign ignorance 😁😀😀. The one time I did this at an old state mental hospital I was politely locked off the premises but I was a very nervous because I went by myself and the guests that removed me, one was dressed in military gear lol

  2. sick, in such a kickass way!

  3. I wish we had some old, abandoned places / factories near Munich….just because of that shot! Awesome!!

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